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How to Maintain Your Lawn All Year

People trouble themselves with the use of pesticides to make their lawns wonderful and end up using millions of money. The pesticides used per acre are much more than what the farmers use on their crops. It is worse that these pesticides end up in our waters through the rivers, the streams and the lakes or still get into contact with our skins. These chemicals can irritate our skin or even get to the blood system. Many people nowadays are careful when their children play on a lawn where they have sprayed some pesticides. Some countries have even started warning against the use of pesticides in lawn areas. That is not to say that people do not love great lawns. You can use different methods to take care of your lawn and still have a nice looking carpet. Some home owners are looking for alternative lawn care methods. There is organic lawn care that is feasible and a lot can be said about it.


One way of making sure you have a lush lawn without using chemicals is to grow healthy grass. You can achieve the great look of your yard without using harmful pesticides and chemical fertilizers. When you are mowing your lawn, you should raise the floor of your mower slightly up, and you will get surprising results. When you mow your lawn with the deck raised a few inches, you will notice with time the grass will start turning green. Most of the weed will start disappearing as well. When you spare longer blades of grass they will photosynthesize better and with time will shade the weeds. Look up Weed Control Tulsa online to know your options in the area. 


Using a mulching mower will also yield better results to you. The machines ensure that all the nutrient-rich grass is back to the soil. Another way of growing the grass is to aerate it. You can rent machines to help you in achieving your goal if you do not have the right one. Using a dethatcher you can remove all the accumulated thatch that stands in the way of nutrients and water as you water your lawn. The thatch should be removed before you start the process of aerating the lawn. An aerating machine will make sure the soil is opened up, and all the compacted pieces are loosed. The next thing after that is to make sure you over seed the lawn. Ensure you clean the area using a rake after aerating it and dethatching it. You should pave the ground so that you can make it ready for more seeds. If you have to apply any fertilizers make sure you use organic materials like composite tea. You will have a very fantastic lawn. Click here to know more and get started. 


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